On the 28th of May, the world will celebrate Menstrual Hygiene Day. This global event aims to raise awareness of the importance for women and girls to have a safe and healthy period. From accessing clean water supplies, to the cost and availability of products, there are various challenges that women around the world face when dealing with their monthly menstruation cycle.
In honour of World Menstrual Hygiene Day Hey Girls are donating 1,000 menstrual cups to women across the UK. These donations are made possible by our amazing customers. For every product sold, one is donated to someone in need. And this month we’re donating 1,000 cups – giving 10 years of period protection to people who need access to safe period products across the UK.
BUT. That’s not all. Our #GiveaCupaGo campaign is also about promoting environmental sustainability while raising awareness of a little-known period product – the menstrual cup.
Did you know cups were first invented in 1937!! They’re safe, comfy, convenient, and the most sustainable product on the market. But somehow, they’re only just coming out of the bathroom closet. Until recently, very few folk had heard of cups, let alone seen one or used one. This Menstrual Hygiene Day, we’re encouraging everyone to #GiveaCupaGo with events across the UK.
Online: Check out our cup FAQ online here and watch out for more resources coming on the day. Watch out for some amazing cup discounts to help you to #Giveacupago
In Glasgow: We’re working with The Glendale Women’s Café to run workshops with local women to explore the wonders of the menstrual cup! We’ve also teamed up with the City of Glasgow College to host a give-away pop up stall gifting students over 800 Hey Girls menstrual cups, with the Hey Girls team on site to offer support and answer any questions students and staff may have about how cups work.
In Wolverhampton: Our amazing donation partner Project Give are delivering an open workshop to the whole community. Check this out here.
In Ulster: Girl Guiding Ulster are partnering with us to give away 250 menstrual cups while starting the conversation across Girl Guide and Rangers clubs.
In Teeside: Together Engage Encourage Support is hosting FOUR workshops to encourage primary schools, secondary schools and colleges to #giveacupago
In East Lothian: A boutique eco shop, Do Lil Things, are hosting their own ‘Lil Ladies Night’ to welcome women in the local community to join in an evening of #GiveACupAGo. The event will focus on the important of Menstrual Hygiene, whilst also raising awareness and funds for the East Lothian Foodbank.
In London: Our partners at the Women’s Environmenstrual Network are hosting a cup live stream on 28th May at 12pm
GET INVOLVED and #Giveacupago !!!
PS: We hope you enjoy using your Hey Girls cup! Remember this nifty little tool can take some getting used to, so don’t worry if it takes a couple of tries before getting the fit just right. Once you’re there, you can enjoy a plastic-free, happy and liberated period! In the meantime there’s a fun video giving some hints and tips on using your cup here so watch the Cups video
If you are brave enough and have given a cup a go we would appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/HeyGirlsCups