For the first time, people across Scotland will be able to pick up free period products from a range of public locations via a new app thanks to a project spearheaded by period product social enterprise Hey Girls.
The app – called Pick Up My Period – was devised by Celia Hodson, Founder & CEO of Hey Girls in collaboration with Scottish Government. The free app allows people to find period products on the move or products closest to home. Users can even search for plastic-free products within the app.
The app, which was expected to launch in 2020 but was delayed because of COVID19 restrictions, is now live on the Play and Apple stores for public access. It was created in collaboration by Hey Girls, students from Edinburgh Napier University and Scottish-based web and mobile agency Pogo Studio. Scottish-based Bold Studio also created the animated videos.
The PickupMyPeriod app currently links to over 700 venues in many communities where free products are available – and the number is expected to grow where further local authorities join the app.
Scotland was the first country in the world to make period products widely available for free – firstly in schools, colleges and universities, then followed by wider access in communities. The PickupMyPeriod app builds on this world-leading work.
Social Justice Secretary Shona Robison launched the app virtually with pupils from St Paul’s High School in Glasgow, where the council has worked closely with students in the delivery of free period products since the policy was introduced.
Ms Robison said:
“The app is a fantastic tool that will help everyone who wants to access free period products for themselves, a family member or friend to easily find them in many places across Scotland.
“I’m thankful for the support of local authorities in the implementation of access to free period products in Scotland. Young women and girls have been crucial in developing the best ways to access products to meet their needs and I’m grateful to them for sharing their views.”
COSLA President, Councillor Alison Evison, added:
“Having recognised the impact lack of access to period products may have on individuals, Local Government has a longstanding commitment to provide free products both in education and community settings for those who may need them.
“As we look towards the implementation of the Period Products Act, I am delighted that work undertaken on period dignity both locally and nationally continues to progress and welcome the launch of the new app as a tool which can support this.”
Celia Hodson, Founder & CEO of Hey Girls and My Period, said: “This is a ground-breaking project for Scotland. For the first time, people across the country will be able to use an app to find and access free period products that they can walk or drive to easily.
“As a Scottish-based social enterprise whose core goal is to help eradicate period poverty, it was great to have our app idea adopted, part-funded and supported by the Scottish government. ‘Pick Up My Period’ will act as a fantastic tool to raise awareness of period poverty and equality, as well as providing support to people who need a little extra support across Scotland.”
The Pick Up My Period app is part of a wider ‘My Period’ initiative to promote period dignity in communities and businesses in Scotland.
To download the Pick Up My Period app, please visit MyPeriod – Welcome to MyPeriod
World Leading Action on Period Products
The Period Products (Free Provision) Scotland Act 2021 (“the Act”) places duties on Local Authorities and education providers to make period products obtainable free of charge for anyone who needs them. The Act will come fully into force by January 2023 at the latest and will ensure that everyone in Scotland who needs them can have reasonably convenient access to period products, free of charge, as and when they are required. In advance of this, free products continue to be available through Local Authorities’ voluntary provision and through the Period Products in Schools (Scotland) Regulations 2020 .
Building on Local Authorities’ voluntary provision, Scottish Government funded Hey Girls, through their Education arm ‘My Period’, to develop an app (PickupMyPeriod) that allows users to identify locations where period products can be accessed for free in Scotland. The app is available to all Local Authorities to input their locations and, so far, the majority of Authorities are involved. For locations not listed in the app, information on how to access free period products should be available from your Local Authority.